Never Undermine Your Intelligence...

"NICE" - The Carters


I hold no judgments. I hold no expectations. I give up the need to know what happens tomorrow. 

I'm exactly four weeks and one day away from my first semester of Nursing School. It still hasn't hit me that something I've been working so hard for has finally come to fruition. It's such a strange feeling to finally start hearing "yes" when you've gotten used to a pattern of rejection. This week, there have been so many messages from the universe, but there was one recurring message that kept finding its way into my day to day. It's quite simple; NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF. This sounds beyond corny, but it really is one of those quotes that stands on its own. We have so many moments where we think, "Screw it. I just don't care anymore." I learned very quickly that this mentality gets you NOWHERE.

It took me five years to get my undergrad degree. While it was a great experience growth-wise, those five years were far from easy. At times, my  journey was trying, defeating, and made me question if I even belonged in college. Looking back, I wish I would've talked to myself more. I would've told myself to cut the bullshit. I would've told myself that I've always worked my butt off for what I wanted, so there was no need to stop now. I let my negativity overwhelm my dedication, and this caused a spiral of self- sabotage. 

I knew I wanted to become a nurse years ago, but I underestimated the hard work I would have to put in to get to this stage. It wasn't until I graduated, that I started to believe in myself. I started to realize that If I spoke things into existence, these things would eventually happen. I no longer felt defeated. I started to zone in on what I wanted for my life. Most importantly, I started to show up for myself. Those feelings of doubt still find their way back, but they never spend the night the way they once did. As of late, I try to allow myself to confront my doubts, search for where it may stem from, and remind myself that doubt leads to nothing but forgotten dreams and a spiral of excuses. 

I say all this to say: Just. Keep. Going. If you have another pre-requisite course that you weren't aware of, JUST TAKE IT. If you have to make some annoying phone calls and write some annoying emails, WRITE EM. If you applied and didn't get in the first time, APPLY AGAIN (just keep working so you don't go broke :-/). It's easier said than done, but please do not give up on yourself. Live in your truth, know what you want, and don't stop working for it until its in your hands. And even then, keep going!

Let me know about some trying times you all have had and how you found your way back to the root of it all....


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